Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day Eleven

Wow, I can't belive that 10 full days went by this fast. I am already getting used to my new life. Getting to work was a bit easier this morning, no reaching in the purse, no wrong turns. I did have to get gas and the guy at my station brought me a pack, and I had to tell him no and I'm quitting, so just need gas this morning. Which struck up a conversation while he was pumping my gas, which was a nice way to start the day. I usually don't like talking to people first thing in the morning, but didn't mind too much today. The one thing that did bother me was the girl in the seat in front of me on the El had REALLY long hair and kept putting it over her seat and it was all lover my newspaper. I was SO tempted to pull it or tell her to move her hair, because it's disgusting, but I kept my mouth shut, and just kept swatting at her when I turned the pages. I know passive/agressive, but it was really gross.

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